Sunday, July 8, 2012

Carlos Guastavino (1912-2000)

 An Argentine born composer and pianist who studied piano with Esperanza Lothringer and Dominga laffei Gusatavino as a child.  In 1938 he received a grant to study music at the National Conservatory from the Santa Fe Ministry of Public Instruction. He elected to take private lessons with Althos Palma (composition) and Rafael Gonzalez (pianist) instead of entering the Conservatory. He published his only stage work, the ballet Fue una vez and published songs and piano pieces at this same time. In the 1940’s his music gained international acclaim. He received a grant to stay in London for two years and performed his songs throughout Great Britain and Ireland (1948). He then began his touring in China, Latin America and the former Soviet Union. In the 1960’s Gustavino focused more on teaching and composition and less on concert appearances. He took interim positions at National (1959-73) and Municipal (1966-1973) Conservatories. After personal issues Gustavino stopped composing abruptly but began writing again in 1987 from encouragement form Carlos Vilo whose bands covered his songs. He retired for good in 1992 after arranging numerous works for Vilo’s group.

Some of his work demonstrated nostalgia for Argentina, its people and its wildlife in such works as Pajaros (1974). He also used guachesco and criollo traditions invoking Argentine folk idioms in piano pieces such as Gato (1940). His early work are still among the most often played and recorded.


Las Puertas de la Manana: Canciones de Argentina de Carlos Guastavino. New Albion Records 1993
(Luis Espaillat)

Carlos Guastavino: Las Puertas de La Manana          New Albion                            1999

Piano Music of Carlos Guastavino                             Loriet Records                                    2005   
(Alma Petchersky)

Carlos Guastavino: The Complete Piano Music        NIMBUS Records                  2008   
(Martin Jones)

Flores Argentinas: Canciones de Carlos Guastavino: Albany Music distribution     2008
(Desiree Halac)

Carlos Guastavino: Melodias Argentinas                   TransArt Live Records           2011
(Florent Heau/Marcela Roggeri)

Carlos Guastavino: 1912-2000                                   INCO Records                                    no date           
(Dora Castro/Victor Torres)

Hommage a Carlos Guastavino                                   Dux Records                           no date                                               
(Jan Jakub Bokum)

Carlos Guastavino: Se Equivico la Paloma y otras canciones Columna Musica         no date
(Maria Aragon)


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